Welcome Back to our 2015-2016 School Year

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This year is off to a great start here at KES! We have welcomed over 40 new students in grades 1-5. I am very thankful to our student mentors who have given tours, shared lunches and recess to help welcome our new friends! During 2015-2016 I plan to add an additional monthly lesson to help support our new character education “Habitudes”. Students will learn how the seven habitudes will help them become champions in their success for learning.
NED Poster KES

W.D. Sign
Another great beginning for this year will be our Pizza Watch D.O.G.S. launch on Thursday September 24th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Hopefully, everyone who is coming has sent in their RSVP as I have ordered the pizza!! Our Watch D.O.G.S. program has been a huge success thanks to all the dads and male role models who help here at school. If you are interested in more information please email Greg Sekelsky at watchdogs@kespta.com or khshaia@henrico.k12.va.us –  We appreciate our watch D.O.G.S. everyday!!
Grade 5 parents please be aware that on September 30 the Moody IB applications are available to students. They must sign the application out with me. I will collect all the data and submit the applications on December 4,2015
Please remember my door is always open and I look forward to being part of your students  school success!

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