A busy month!

We have been so busy in first grade! We have settled into our daily routines and been working hard each day!

We made an amazing symbol of peace and unity with all of KES!

We hope you will spread peace through our community and beyond by sharing your KES heart photo!  Drop it off at a favorite restaurant, library, store, or send it further with a family member!  How far can we have spread love and peace!  Graham sent his to OHIO with his grandmother to share at Macy’s!  Kailey dropped hers off at the Twin Hickory Library!  Where will your heart be sent?

We have been working on patterns—both repeating and growing patterns.  Growing patterns can be tricky!  We have done a lot of practice in class to help the children understand that growing patterns ‘grow’ by following a rule every single time.

We are ready for word study!  Children will be bringing their blue homework folder and notebook home Monday with their first word sort!  A menu of activities and directions will be in the blue folder.  CAUTION!  You might be confused at first!  It’s OK!  It will take a couple of weeks for this to go really smoothly.  We will post photos of the completed sorts to help you.  Please keep in mind that we want written homework to be kept to about 20 minutes.  Quality, not quantity!  Follow the handwriting guidelines and have each night help build strong habits.  Be sure to have your child read to you at least 15 minutes each night.  Feel free to also read TO your child to build a love of reading, vocabulary, and attention.

We look forward to October!

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