Weekly News and Homework – October 16

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First Grade Flash

October 16, 2017     Welcome!     

Please remember to practice those neat handwriting skills at home.  We are working on letter formation, smoothness of letters size and spacing.  Please remember to reference you handwriting chart we sent home at the beginning of the school year.

Our field trip to Maymont is Friday, October 20th. This trip is mainly outdoors so please have your child dress appropriately with comfortable walking shoes and a jacket.  On the day of the trip, please send a snack and pack a bag lunch.  The lunch must include a drink.  We will be eating lunch before we return to school.

In science we will begin an adventure with animals!  We will gain an understanding of their needs, body coverings, and movement.  We will discover what happens to animals in the fall and what animals do to help prepare for the cooler weather of winter. 

In math we will begin our unit on graphs.  In class, we are collecting data using creative questions.  We are discovering how to use picture and object graphs. We will learn how to read them, compare, and use the terms more, most, least. and are learning how many more one section of a graph has than another!

Important Dates

October 20 – Fall Pictures

October 20 – Field Trip to Maymont


 1. Read to someone special at least 15 minutes every night.

 2. Choose a menu item to practice your word sort patterns.

 3. Thursday – Write down at least 4 animal coverings and draw a picture of an animal that has that body covering. **Remember, our field trip is tomorrow!  Please bring a bag lunch with a drink.***

Any Day Challenge (Optional)

If you were an animal what would you be? Make sure to describe your animal in detail.  What would you need to eat, what type of coverings would you have, etc.  Why would you want to be this animal?

  On the weekend, always spend time with special people, do things you enjoy, read to them, and have them read to you!


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