Glance at a Golden Week 3.9-3.13

See u SoonIn today’s folder, students have a distance learning packet. There are many resources and learning activities that can help aid in learning during our two weeks off. Your child also has directions for how to access HCPS’s CLEVER platform. Students were able to check out multiple books to use to complete the literacy activities.If your child was absent today you can come to Trevvett on Monday and pick up your child’s packet.

As you go through the distance learning packet in the next few days, please let me know if you have any questions. I can still be reached via email while we are out and I will do my best to help you in any way I can. 

Students should be engaged in reading, writing, and math activities every day to help maintain their learning and work ethic. Moby Max is always a good resource to practice fact fluency and math and reading skills. Please continue to check emails from HCPS and Trevvett for important updates.


Reading- This week we switched back to drawing conclusions and inferencing with fiction text. Students practiced explaining their conclusions in a “Two Truths and a Lie” activity with illustrations. We heard some fun texts this week as well, like Those Darn SquirrelsGlamorous GlassesImmi’s Gift, and The Fantastic Flying Books. Many students are beginning to make the connection on how to draw conclusions in text, so be sure to continue this practice at home!Writing- In writing, students learned the 5 components of a friendly letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature). We wrote letters to former teachers or staff at Trevvett to practice the format. We will continue to practice this in our writing on our return to school.Math- We wrapped up our unit on reading temperature and began reviewing equality statements using equal and NOT equal. Social Studies- We wrapped up our unit on Famous Americans with the study of Benjamin Franklin. Students created a 3 square comic to represent at least 3 facts on one famous american that we learned about this quarter. Students then had to guess the famous american portrayed based on the clues given. This was a great way to review for our end of unit assessment.

Be healthy and safe! I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces in two weeks!

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