The learner as Communicator

A Curated Resource Collection for Building Background Knowledge Around The Henrico Learning Profile.

“I explore and exchange ideas with other learners. I grow my understanding by actively listening to, honoring, and building on the voices of other learners, and I express my own understanding clearly, using a variety of formats depending on the purpose, audience, and setting.”


Henrico Learner Profile

Learner as communicator progression & Standards

Learner Progression

Learning Progession

The Progression of Communicator for the Learner, Learning Facilitator, and Learning Environment

SEL Standards

SEL Standards

English Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework that outlines the progression of communication skills

Common Sense

Common Sense Media

Henrico’s Digital Citizenship curriculum includes specific resources for communication

Videos promoting the Development of communicators

Share Your Learning

Presentations of Learning

Share Your Learning

Student Led Conferences

Share Your Learning


Learner as Quality Character: Playlist & Toolkit

Collaborative Word Processing

Google Docs: Write, Collaborate, and Edit Anytime, Anywhere

Collaborative Presentations

Google Slides: Edit, Collaborate, and Present Anytime, Anywhere

Discussion Tools

Schoology Discussion Forum

Learner as communicator examples

A Student’s Project Impact

High School

Shakespeare’s Timelessness

High School

Don’t Drink and Drive

Middle School

Effects of Environmental Change

High School

Henrico’s Defining Moments

Middle School

Wild About Animal Adaptations

Elementary School