WEEK 3: 9/17-9/21

We had an awesome (almost full) week of school!

Fifth grade spent this week finishing up making connections with the text and looking at parts of plot including characters, setting, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. We read a short text and students helped to identify the parts of plot and students worked together to create a “plot mountain” about a short video we watched! Next week we will continue to look at plot while shifting our focus to summarizing! We will also continue our study of Henrico Geography and how it has impacted it’s inhabitants throughout the years.

Fourth grade had an awesome week learning about main idea. We also spent some time focusing on text structure– specifically problem and solution. As the year continues we will learn about other structures. We also had a focus on synonyms and antonyms and how they make our writing better. Next week we will focus on nonfiction text and specially text features. How do those features help us understand or connect with the text more? What would the text be like without them? We will continue our study of the regions of Virginia and look at the different Native American groups and their languages, and bodies of water!

Next week we will continue with our small seed writing. Today fourth grade students brainstormed important events that happened in their life (WATERMELON) and we broke down those events into smaller chunks (PIECES OF WATERMELON) and then chose a single part to write about (SEED)! Fifth grade was MAP testing today so they will get started next week! For example, my watermelon would be fourth grade, a slice might be field day, and my small seed would be the tug-of-war. We will really be focusing our writing on using descriptions to get readers to feel like they were there too!

STEAM DAY was a blast! Students worked in groups to work design, produce and use weather instruments. Once they had built their instrument, students worked together to write a script and prepare to film a weather broadcast using their tool and the information they have gathered. We look forward to those finished products!

To check out pictures from STEAM DAY and other activities in class, please follow my classroom instagram @MSFOURTHANDFIFTH . Have a great weekend!

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