Are You A Genius?


Students beginning middle school, often have questions about their abilities and achievements. Gifted students, especially often want to know what does it mean to be gifted. They want to understand why they often see their world differently than their peers . Does this make them odd and can they fit into their environment. This lesson encourages students to explore, investigate, and report on what it means to be labeled “Gifted.” Students researched people in history & pop culture to find, compare and contrast characteristics of truly genius people.

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Approaching: Students had to research figures in history and pop culture to build their presentation and to answer the main question of the project of whether or not the subject was or was not a genius. Students assembled and synthesized information to address authentic tasks, using digital tools to powerfully display and interact with information in class.

Ideal/Target: Students self-selected their groups, created group norms and used synchronous and asynchronous tools to complete their research and final presentation video, using Google apps. They created video presentation and uploaded them to Google Drive to take the assignment outside the walls of the classroom to present their videos to the class.  

Approaching: Students synthesize their research into video and audio presentations to demonstrate their research and prove their thesis that their subject was a genius. Students selected the most appropriate digital tools, as well as questioning, critical thinking and problem solving strategies to solve authentic tasks.

Approaching: Students synthesized existing and self-generated knowledge to create new ideas and products within and beyond assignment parameters. Students also reflected on the creative/innovative process and set goals for future growth through their post-presentation critique and in-class discussions.

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