Oceans: What Mysteries Lie Beneath?

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth, yet we only know about 0.5% of it. This project, “What Mysteries Lie Beneath?,” was for students to learn how to appropriately research, using previously self-constructed questions and adjusting or adding more questions based on the information found. Using the information their groups gathered, the students wrote a script to use for their digital presentation. The students collaborated and communicated with one another to accomplish their goal. Students chose their own groups and developed their own group norms.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students created Google Docs (their choice over Word and anything else they wished to use), composed research guiding questions and adjusted them to fit their needs. Students had to use correct search terms to help them locate the information they needed. The students had to use the information they collect to help create a script and a final presentation which was then shared with the rest of the fifth grade. Reflections took place after the project were completed.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students worked together in self-chosen groups. Each group developed their own norms for working on their project. They used Google Folders to share research information and collaborate to complete a script. The students had to communicate effectively to chose how they wanted to display their information for visual presentation. Groups used different techniques to make decisions fairly, such as voting and electing a student to act as president of their group. The students then shared presentations in class and were given verbal critiques each from their classmates, which included positives and suggestions. The students helped others in the group with finding information and used commenting tool in google to give ideas when writing their script. The projects were shared with the rest of the fifth grade classes to assist the teachers in teaching the content.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students engaged in critical thinking and problem solving when developing their own questions for researching and how to work effectively as a group. Also, the students had to use critical thinking skills to help adjust their search terms and questions. They had to determine what would be the best way to visually display their information. They had to use critical thinking skills They had to use critical thinking and problem solving skills to help them manipulate the speech bubbles to appear as the audio played.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students used creativity and innovation by creating their final visual presentation of the information they obtained. Students reflected on how they would improve the project.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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