Everyday Science – 15MS1

This lesson is for : Grade 6:


The focus of this lesson was to empower students with the ability to use the Scientific Method in their everyday lives. In this lesson, students watched a short demonstration and were then instructed to follow the steps of the Scientific Method to attempt to explain what they witnessed.   As they worked through the project, students developed their own questions, researched those questions, developed a hypothesis, created a process to test their hypothesis, followed that process, collected data, analyzed the data, drew a conclusion to prove or disprove their hypothesis, and then reflected on the entire process.


TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: While the focus of this lesson was not on Research and Information fluency, this lesson would score in the approaching category on the TIP Chart. Students had to use research skills as part of the Scientific Method process in order to develop a hypothesis that could be tested. This hypothesis was created based on observations and student generated research.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Developing – Explanation: While this lesson did not focus on Communication and Collaboration, the lesson would score developing in this category on the TIP Chart. Students worked in teams to design, implement, conduct, and reflect on the creation of a science experiment. As they completed the process they created a video documentary of their learning as they went through each step of the process.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson focused on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and scored in the Idea/Target range. In this lesson students developed a science experiment using the scientific method from start to finish. They developed their own questions based on a demonstration, researched those questions, developed a hypothesis, created a process to test that hypothesis, followed that process and collected data, analyzed that data, drew a conclusion to prove or disprove their hypotheses and then reflected on the entire process.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: While this lesson did not focus on Creativity and Innovation, the lesson would score approaching in this category on the TIP Chart. Students worked together to generate their own Science experiment by conducting research, developing a hypothesis, creating a procedure, following that procedure, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions based on that data. This lesson invites students to create something new by synthesizing their existing knowledge of the Scientific method as a useful tool into understanding everyday life by generating their own experiment.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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