Go Grammar Campaign – 7808


Students will work in teams to promote the GO GRAMMAR Campaign, a venture to increase grammar skills in a manner that is innovative, engaging, and fun. After the teams are formed, team members will discuss insights, strategies, implementation, and goals. The teams will choose and research 8 grammar rules using a variety of search engines. Students will create questions based on target audience, marketing, design, and creativity. Students will then synthesize the information they researched through the use of the Design Cycle to create games, posters, programs, events, apparel, presentations, music, movies, etc. to promote their 8 grammar rules within their school and their community.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal/Target (7)

Not only are students utilizing a variety of search engines to research specific grammar rules, they are conducting their own research and data analysis through their team roles as a Marketing Analyst. Through this authentic task, students were researching target demographics so they were able to provide information and insights regarding effective campaign strategies. Students applied information fluency by referring to their Online Resource Evaluation which encourages them to recognize objectivity, authority, and reliability when analyzing information on the internet. Creating questions to guide their research, as well as guide their focus for the grammar campaign, was extremely beneficial in their ability to evaluate the data they collected and then make connections. Using GO: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design as an additional source, the students synthesized the information while creating products to promote grammar. The students also employed a variety of internet tools to interact with the information they researched and gathered, such as Excel Spreadsheets and Google Forms.

Ideal/Target (7)

Working together as a team was a major factor in how the students communicated and collaborated with each other. They formed teams based on the descriptions of the team roles, and then collaborated efficiently to reach a common goal. The opportunity to communicate with the The Martin Agency about design and marketing was an amazing experience and heavily influenced the collaborative grammar products they created. Because they only worked on the GO Grammar Campaign on Mondays, the students communicated and collaborated with their team members beyond the walls of the classroom through Google Docs, discussion forums, email, messaging, as well as other online tools. The GO Grammar Teams also communicated with teachers in our building and with teachers in elementary schools throughout the county. Not only did they collaborate within their teams, but they also collaborated with elementary students in their effort to promote grammar rules. The students also communicated throughout the community by posting flyers and posters they created for this campaign, as well as utilizing social media as a communication tool; Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram were prevalent in their marketing campaign. Finally, the students communicated in a reflection through the use of a Google Doc Survey to
discuss the following:

  • their experience researching grammar rules
  • their role as a communicator and collaborator
  • solving problems in their role, as well as the problems faced by their team members
  • the process of being creative and innovative
  • Emerson’s principles and their connection to the students’ goals for the future

Ideal/Target (7)

The students engaged in critical thinking and problem solving through the following authentic tasks:

  • generating questions to guide their research and the grammar campaign
  • working in teams (in specific roles) to reach a common goal
  • deciding on the most creative and innovative ways to market grammar to their school and community
  • justifying their choice of digital tools with which to promote grammar

Choosing which team member role that best suited them, and then working together as a team, allowed the students to think critically about achieving their goals for this authentic task. The students engaged in problem solving through the tasks of communicating with other teachers and schools, scheduling times to visit other classrooms and schools, and providing an innovative approach to teaching grammar to others. Critical thinking also lent itself to the task of brainstorming and then executing their team’s ideas. Effective decision making was necessary when choosing digital tools to utilize to market their grammar rules. Through their discussions, a lot of informal reflecting was occurring as they navigated their way through this process. This, in turn, allowed them to gain insights on how to better work within their team, as well as steer their campaign in a direction that would lead them to success.

Ideal/Target (7)

This experience allowed the the students to use their creativity to its full extent. There were no assignment parameters on what they could create to promote their grammar rules; they were able to select any number of digital tools to create their grammar products. The students created a variety of innovative products: team logos, digital posters, Prezis, websites, videos, flyers, online games, scavenger hunts, and comic strips (to name a few). This creative freedom encouraged the students to be risktakers and to produce original, innovative products. Together, they synthesized their research about the grammar rules, as well as the information they gathered about their target audience, to assist them in their critical thinking process. Applying the excerpts from Emerson to their grammar campaign (in their Evernote Journal), led to new perspectives and insights about marketing, design, and collaboration that will aid them in their future endeavors. Ultimately, the GO Grammar Campaign encompassed all of the TIP Chart categories an experience that allowed students to create innovative products by applying critical thinking, different types of research, communication tools, and the process of collaboration.

Student Artifact

Grammar Meme

(Image links to student samples from this project)


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Go Grammar H21 Resources – 7808

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