Media Literacy and PSAs – 5308


As part of the Media Literacy mini-unit, students had previously gathered data and learned about the different types of media (billboards, commercials, newspaper ads, etc.) as background information. In groups the students collaborated to create a PSA. Together the groups first chose their group topic which had to relate to an environmental issue. Next they worked together to:
• Create a group rubric
• Establish norms for the groups
• Establish roles and expectations for group members
o Once the roles were chosen, they created their own individual rubrics that reflected their personal job for the group.

During one class period, they planned the group PSA, rubrics and expectations and set guidelines for their project. During another class period, they created, recorded, and finalized their PSAs before they were each presented to the class. Projects were graded using the student-created rubrics.

TIPC Ratings

Depending on the responsibilities of each role, those who researched and gathered data about their PSA used their research and information fluency skills they were taught in their grade level enrichment classes. Students determined which information sources to use and assembled any facts, images, and media that would best communicate their message to their intended audience. Each group selected the digital tool they deemed most appropriate to deliver their message for their final product.

The creation of a PSA is a real-world, authentic application-based task in which each member of the group was responsible for a part of the creation of the final product. Each group established the norms, expectations and rubrics that would result in the best product possible and meet the assignment criteria. Each group had to determine which digital tool would be the most appropriate to deliver their message. Each final product was presented and each student in the class participated in a peer review which was used as part of the final grade.

Students developed their own expectations and rubric to guide them when creating their authentic and real-world PSAs. With the information gathered by each member of the group, according to their role, the group had to select the most appropriate digital tool to use to convey their message and mood in the most informative way. They designed and implemented their product to deliver the most impact to their targeted audience.

Each group designed and created an original product which reflected the information gathered, the intended message, mood and impact of the message. Each group determined which digital tool would serve as the most appropriate vehicle for their message.

Download Files

  • Lesson Plan
  • PSA Info
  • Media Project Assignment Sheet
  • PSA Planning Guide
  • Student Artifact- Rubric

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