School Bus Energy Project


Students learned the basics about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and then had to apply their knowledge in a real-world scenario. Each student was asked to identify risks and benefits to using diesel fuel in county school buses. They were then asked to choose a potential solution to investigate. In small groups, they conducted research to defend their proposal in an infographic and letter. At the end of the lesson, students presented research to county leaders.

TIPC Ratings

7 – Students constructed questions to guide research. They were shown how to effectively search with keywords. All sources were cited in MLA format and evaluated using the RADCAB checklist. They had to assemble and organize information in multiple formats in order to address an authentic task.

6 – Students were asked to collaborate within groups in the classroom as well as with others outside the classroom using digital tools such as Edmodo and e-mail. They collaborated with outside experts in order to obtain information and opinions. Students were given several tasks and had to divide tasks into subtasks with specific deadlines.

7 – The student task was high in rigor and relevance. Students had to justify solutions and defend choice of sources. They had to generate and respond to questions throughout the project. They utilized the Big 6 as a method of developing and evaluating potential solutions. They were asked to reflect upon difficult parts of the project and to come up with ways to overcome challenges in the future.

7- During this project, students evaluated existing solutions to public school transportation and developed their own. They developed infographics as a creative way to display the solution and data after looking at several samples. They connected knowledge from several disciplines and from their own experiences in order to truly become experts on a topic. By hearing the guest speaker at the end of the project, they were able to meaningfully reflect on their own solution in the provided reflection form.

Student Artifact

Download Files

Download File Contents, Including:

    • Letter Example
    • Infographic Example
    • Infographic Directions Flipchart
    • Student Project Organizer
    • Student Questions
    • Bus Picture Used with Permission


2 thoughts on “School Bus Energy Project

    1. No, it would be neat if we did. After listening to the presentation, we did learn that we will possibly be getting some propane buses in the future.

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