Using Blogs as Art Portfolios & Visual Journals – 6603


In this lesson, students complete a series of activities such as drawings, long-term works of art, art studies, etc. They publish their artwork on their own individual blog for public viewing and comments and share artists and research information that inspires them. Students choose a WordPress template that best displays their work in a portfolio format. The template they select must also have space for them to reflect on their work as well as post statements from artists who critique their work. Each student is required to create additions to the overall appearance of the blog so that it is professional and maneuverable. A part of what students learn during this lesson is the importance of conducting themselves in an appropriate, professional manner online as their site is a reflection of their professional reputation. Students in other art classes (at Hermitage and other schools) are asked to view these blogs as well as critique the images and comment on the works. These blogs serve as working sketchbooks, visual journals, artist portfolios and discussion forums simultaneously.

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Students conduct research based on their interest in color, texture, shape, and work of other artists. They share this information with classmates and others on their blog as a first step to engage in an online dialog. Students also research information regarding up and coming new artists in the art world and look for as inspiration for their own original art pieces.

Students display their work on their own individual blog. Online, they critique the work of their peers, make comments and suggestions for improvement. All students engage in a discussion form on how they can help each other improve their skill and craft. Students from other art classes at our school and other schools are invited to access these blogs and provide feedback (critique, comments, suggestions for improvement) on the images.

These blogs become an open forum for discussion and improvement on assignments. Students work together with feedback on assignments. The teacher provides the assignment but the students critique the work and help each other improve based on the general aesthetics learned earlier in the year.

Students create several original works of art. They reflect after each project on the piece they have created and consider how to improve it. In art class students, are continually making choices and finding ways to be creatively different. Through critiques these students will share ideas, projects, and advice. They will share with each other techniques that have worked for them as well as inspiration from outside the classroom.

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