The Reality of Slopes

Submitted by: Deborah Osborne
Collaborator: Ervin Tyler
School: Hermitage High School


This problem-based lesson engages students in actively learning about and calculating the slope of a line.  Students learn how to recognize numerous forms of slopes in their daily life.  Working in small groups, students explore the parameters of slopes and relate this concept to objects, and images. To formulate groups, each student selects a slope related task from a list.  Students who select the same task organize themselves into a group.  They choose roles and collaborate to determine the best way to complete the task. A rubric is provided as a guide for including information fundamental to slopes.  Each group is responsible for generating the following items as they proceed with their slope task: (1) create a vocabulary list with definitions of terms pertaining to slopes; (2) research a variety of methods to find a slope; include a minimum of four authentic web resources; (3) use critical thinking and problem solving techniques to create math problems based on the different types of slopes; (4) find real-life examples of different slopes; (5) and write a reflection summary on the group experience of working together to create a presentation that exemplifies slopes in daily living.  Student groups use tools such as Geometer’s Sketchpad, Power Point, Word, ActivInspire, and Internet resources to create their visual presentation on slopes. Each group presents its completed slope product to the class for discussion and evaluation.

TIPC Ratings

The students apply research techniques demonstrated by the teacher in a previous lesson. The student used the search techniques such as subject headings, field searching, Boolean queries, the use of quotation marks, etc. to locate vocabulary terms, images and other required information for this lesson.

This lesson provides a substantial opportunity for students to work communicate and work collaboratively in groups on the slope project. Students establish norms such as respect for all opinions and ideas generated by group members; staying on task; using time to discuss information related to the project; making a significant contribution to the completion of the project. They also determine the best digital tool they can use to present their project to the class. Students use Edmodo to share their thoughts (reflection) on the slope discoveries and their overall experience of working with group members

The primary focus of this project is that students create their own math problems on slope, graph and explain their equations and the solution. Their graphs and equations must be precise to exhibit the different slopes. Students demonstrate an awareness of slope and its application to real-life. They scrutinize images and select those that best portray examples of various slopes.

The students were able to create meaningful work using a variety of digital tools. They made use of PowerPoint, Word, ActivInspire, and Geometer’s Sketchpad as digital tools for this project. Towards the end of the period, students reflect on the challenges and learning experiences and the importance of the knowledge they now have regarding slope.

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Slope Documents

  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • PowerPoints
  • Video