
Submitted by: Garvey T. Dobbins
School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph



Summary: Whitney Houston’s untimely death has led the career investigation nursing students to questions what was the cause. The new media initially said that the cause was an overdose caused bythe misuse of Percocet. The  students realize that Percocet is a prescription drug. They were interested in what are the side effects and how can it cause death. The students decide that they want to research this drug to learn more about it. The students develop the questions to drive their research and select the medium in which they want to present their project. They used Google Docs to share their research and collaborate with their classmates to write a script to present as a public serve announcement.


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Students were responsible for decided what they were going to research and what questions they were going to answer to present information to their audience. Students used the Internet to research the information. Lively discussion sparked up as students asked more questions about the information they were researching. All the information was included in a Google Doc that was shared with the class so each students could have access to the researched information. Students also included citations that they wrote using Easy Bib.

Students used Google Document to share the information they were studying. This is small class of students so all students were responsible for researching and creating a script to use for their presentation. They decided that Google Doc would be an effective tool to write the script for the PSA. The group projected the script on a whiteboard to use as a prompt when videoing their presentation. Students also reviewed their first attempt of the video to make recommendations on what should be added to provide more information to the audience.

Students deciding what topic they wanted to research and learn about as related to health and well-being. They developed the questions to direct their research. They used the information the collected to write their Public Service Announcement.Each students was responsible for a part of the information.

Students decided that they wanted to create a video that would be used as a Public Service Announcement to present information on the effects of Percocet. When they reviewed the initial product, they decided that they needed to include at clip of Whitney Houston, pictures of the drugs, and an introduction to describe why they decided to research this topic.

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