3rd Grade Save The Animals Project

Submitted by: Kendall Marion, Michelle Moon, Sarah Barnes, Susan Cowart (3rd Grade Team)
Collaborators: Mr. Clough (ITRT), Debbie Teague (Media Specialist), Megan Hebert (Special Education)
School: Holladay


Students used books and websites in the library to research an animal they chose using a graphic organizer to guide them. They also generated their own questions to research. Each animal was given a “survival” scenario solve using their adaptations. Students worked with each other to solve the problem and save the animal. Then they presented their animal facts using their choice of Pixie, Comic Life, or Keynote. They finished the project by evaluating the process using a rubric.

TIPC Ratings

Developing- students used a range of teacher-provided resources and a teacher-designed graphic organizer. It was also open-ended enough to allow them to find some interesting facts on their own.

Developing – students worked individually on the projects but helped each other come up with ideas for solving the problems and helping the animals survive. They published their work within their classroom.

Developing – students were given a problem to solve to help the animal survive. They reflected on the process afterwards using a rubric.

Approaching – students were able to chose which digital tool to use to present their findings, some of the students went beyond the assignment guidelines, they evaluated themselves.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Project Guidelines Flipchart (and PDF)
  • Lesson Plans (Word)
  • Survival Scenarios (Word)
  • Self-evaluation Rubric
  • Student Samples (Keynote & Pixie)

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