Change Over Time

Submitted by: Audra Yerian
School: Jackson Davis ES


This math and science integrated lesson throws students into the world of real problem solving as it pertains to them, while they become actual scientists. Students pick their groups for center rotations where they perform the following activities: Measure, record and compare seedling sizes to those of their peers, Measure, compare, and predict their birth weight, current weight and future weight by using a digital scale, Research change over time in Pixie, classroom library, and classroom KWL chart, and Cooperatively complete a sort of objects that do or don’t change over time on classroom laptops in Pixie, followed by drawing objects that change over time in Doodle Bug on classroom i-pads. Students take a hands on approach to the unifying concept of change, constancy and measurement and learn that in order to determine whether an object has changed over time, direct observation and/or measurement are necessary. Students model and role play how real scientists make these observations and measurements by working in small groups or with partners to solve problems and share data. Students are encouraged to ask questions of their group or partner so as to introduce them to the concept of early inquiry. Finally, students reflect as a class on what worked and why they thought it worked, and compare what didn’t work or needed improvement in each center.

TIPC Ratings

This project is Developing in Research and Information Fluency. Students research in Pixie stickers & classroom library and record findings on KWL chart and in their own booklets that they created.

This project is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students pick their own groups for centers and decide on ‘jobs’ within those groups to address tasks. Groups set goals for future growth within and outside of those groups by reflecting as a class (with teacher direction) afterward on what worked, what didn’t, and proper follow up for each team.

This project is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Teacher designed instruction that promotes solutions to authentic tasks, such as measuring and comparing students’ seedlings growth, measuring, comparing and predicting THEIR OWN growth, and utilizing laptops and iPads to perform open ended tasks.

This project is Ideal in Creativity and Innovation. Students are responsible for generating their own ideas based on research and learning throughout unit on change over time. Students must reflect within their small group as to how they will create their free-standing statue and take risks attempting to create statue and fulfill all criteria. Teams opt for best possible solution by discussing and creating new ideas.

Student Artifact

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  • Student Artifacts

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