Mapping the Ocean Floor

Submitted by: Chuck Ridle
Collaborators: Kim Powell
School: Rivers Edge


Using Discovery Science videos, students explore how SONAR and echolocation are used to map the ocean floor, and then use prepared data to create a Numbers spreadsheet. Once the spreadsheet is completed, students utilize the data to create a line graph that reflects the geography of the ocean floor. Students label the ocean floor with provided vocabulary. Taking into account the geography of the ocean floor and factoring the effects of water pressure and the amount of sunlight, students decide which part of the ocean floor is best for building an underwater hotel.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is developing in research and information fluency. Students searched for sites and determined if it was appropriate.

This lesson is developing in communication and collaboration. Students worked in groups with defined roles to accomplish class assignment.

This lesson is approaching in critical thinking and problem solving. Students generated and responded to purposeful questions. Students applied digital tools to think critically and solve open-ended authentic tasks.

This lesson is developing in creativity and innovation. Students worked on class assignment that blend technology and limited aspects of personal choice.

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Ridle-REES-Henrico 21

  • Lesson Plan
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