What if? Claymation Project

Submitted by: Patricia Harris
School: Longdale Elementary School


Students create a claymation movie about the life of a famous artist that answers the question “What If…?” After researching their assigned artist, groups decide on an alternate path for an artist and showcase that through the claymation movie. This lesson is strong in creativity and innovation.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson falls in the Developing level on the TIP Chart for Research and Information Fluency. In this lesson, students do basic research on their artist and are given direct instruction on how to use the information. The teacher could raise this level by allowing students to select their own digital tools to assemble, evaluate, and utilize information.

This lesson exhibits qualities consistent with those of Approaching on the TIP Chart. Students effectively communicate and collaborate in teams to create original works. Each student takes on a specific role in the team to impact how they contribute to the final product.

As it is, this lesson is in the Developing level of the TIP Chart for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students answer the open-ended question “What if…?” in their movie by using higher order thinking skills. To raise the level, consider technologies to support the level of thinking.

This lesson lands in the Approaching level of the TIPC Chart. Students apply critical thinking and research methods to create their claymation movie. They also collaborate to create the movie.

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Examples

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